Okay, so, you’re regularly attending aikido classes now and do you really want to become an aikido master? Well, according to experts, it will take you around four to six years to get good at it – to really master the basics. Of course, it would entail countless training plus self-discipline. Then after satisfactory training, you might get lucky to be awarded with the first level of black belt, hopefully after six years.

For your information, there are no shortcuts to becoming a master. However, there are ways to get there, no matter your age, physical build-up or status in life. Thanks to the Internet, nowadays you can learn the art of basic aikido online through virtual classes.

There are audio recordings about the lessons, video tutorials and even available materials to be sent to you during the course wherein you learn the philosophy and teachings of this martial art. From there, you are expected to gain self-confidence and self-control in order to become a better ‘fighter’.

Different experts vary in their views about how to become a master because there are diverse ways. It all depends on you but it can make a difference to have a really good mentor, spiritual adviser or Sensei who can guide you along the process.

This expert can help you realise what the wrong turns and pitfalls are in order to prevent or avoid them. Below are tips coming from different aikido professionals to help you move your beginner’s training to the next level.

How to Become an Aikido Master: 5 Tips

  1. Be open-minded. Welcome the idea of allowing life energies to enter into you and savour the feeling of becoming a ‘fuller’ you. You must learn the ability to accept a manifold of perspectives because if you can’t connect to a perspective in yourself, then how can you relate to it in another?
  2. Do a lot of self-reflection. For sure, you really don’t know in-depth about life and things around you. Take aikido as a constant learning process. Know yourself on a deeper level and probably ask what inspires you to choose aikido and what motivates you to go on practising.
  3. Be genuine and discover your own authenticity. Leave behind your ego at the doorstep and let yourself embrace a larger possibility.
  4. Be honest with yourself and with others. This will drive you forward to the path of growth and development.
  5. Be curious and continue to explore aikido. Keep doing research and never stop searching for ways to grow and change. Keep the passion for the martial art alive.
  6. 20 Must-Know Aikido Tips For Beginners (With Pictures) – Activif

You may have noticed that those tips above don’t mention ways on how to handle bokken or how many steps to take forward or sideways and other movements, or how to defend yourself from an assailant. It’s because aikido is a non-violent, non-invasive form of martial art. It’s more on learning the philosophy and embracing the teaching of mind-body unification that will lead you to discover your own path. And that’s when you start to develop your own unique individuality.