Outdoor lawn bowls is a sport that’s been popular in Australia and the world over for as long as anyone can remember. These days, indoor bowls is a thing and a social sport that’s enjoyed a rapid increase in popularity in recent times. Although indoor bowls can be enjoyed by anyone, it’s proved to be very popular with the ladies. Let’s take a closer look at indoor bowls for women and why you might want to consider taking it up.

What Is Indoor Bowls?

While the game is very similar to the outdoor variety of bowls, the two games are obviously played in different conditions. Outdoor bowls is traditionally played on grass. Growing a lawn indoors obviously comes with some challenges, so instead of playing indoor bowls on grass, it’s played on a special carpet instead.

Often, a heavier jack is used in indoor bowls and the size and weight of the bowls are usually a little less.

The rules and objectives of indoor bowls are very similar to traditional lawn bowls.

Indoor Bowls Can Be Played At Any Time

Outdoor bowls is subject to weather conditions and can sometimes be washed out during times of rain. There is no such problem with indoor bowls. It can be stormy outdoors and the bowls tournament can still go ahead unabated. The game can also be played in the evening as well as during the day.

Players are not at the mercy of the wind or rain and there is no risk of getting sunburnt when playing bowls indoors.

Indoor Bowls Clubs Are Everywhere In Australia

Because the game has proven to be so popular, especially with the ladies, this has led to the proliferation of indoor bowls clubs popping up all around the country. Whether you’re looking for an indoor bowls club for women Sydney, social indoor bowls Regents Park or anywhere else in the country, there’s sure to be a club somewhere near you.

Ladies’ Indoor Bowls Is a Social Game

While being competitive certainly makes the game more interesting and also more fun, one of the main advantages of ladies’ indoor bowls is the social aspect. You’ll get to meet new people who share a common interest and the group can socialise together at the club after play has finished.

Whether you play once a week or more often, knowing that you have a group of friends to meet up with for indoor bowls gives you something to look forward to and sure beats sitting at home feeling bored.

Improve Your Fitness and Burn Some Calories

Although indoor bowls doesn’t provide intense physical exertion, there is enough physical activity involved to improve your fitness and burn off a few calories. Your arms, shoulders and legs will get a workout and the art of the game will improve your ability to concentrate and increase your coordination. Regular indoor bowls play can become a part of your fitness routine when combined with other forms of exercise.

Improve Your Game

The more often you play indoor bowls and pit your skills against a variety of opponents of different skill levels, the better your game is going to get. Whether you hope to become one of the best players around or just like to challenge yourself, the most effective way to improve your game is to play regularly. When you join an indoor bowls club for women, you’ll have many opportunities to play some games.

Indoor Bowls Is a Lot Of Fun

The most important aspect of indoor bowls for ladies is it’s simply a lot of fun to play and that should always be the main objective. Even if you aspire to one day be an elite player, the most important thing is to always enjoy the game. The more you enjoy playing, the better your game will become over time as a result.

In Conclusion

Ladies’ indoor bowls is a fun and competitive social game that all women should consider playing. To find a venue near you, just search for your area. Indoor lawn bowls Sydney or indoor bowls club Sydney are just some examples. Improve your social life and have fun by joining a ladies’ indoor bowls club today.