The B-I Triangle or Business Investing, Growth and Retention, seem to be the buzz words of the week. But what many men and women currently involved in business (and those seeking to start or grow their dream business) now know is that the rules of networking can be very complicated. At some functions, it feels as if every person is asking, “Whats in it for me?”

The reality is that everyone is always trying to help themselves. What this actually comes down to is too much helping of others. In a meeting or event, you need to ask yourself whom you are there to help. Why else will you have a continuing interest in those you are attending the event for.

Commit to learning from your clients, those you already meet, and those you are about to meet. What I always tell people is that you need to learn more about others and provide a resource in return, even if it is only a bite size piece. There is always something of value an individual can provide be it financial, or information.

When you are networking (especially hosted networking events), look to upgrade or support your personal and business development at all times. Share with others what tools and resources you can use to help enhance your business growth. Everyone loves a giver, and when those around you know that you are willing to provide a spark of support, you are perceived by many people as a giver and not a taker.

If you believe others are asking “What’s in it for me?” then you are not networking effectively. Realize that you are there to support those you are meeting, and you are there to support them in return for a direct return. When you change your mindset to help others and those you are looking to support this will happen for you.

There are many options available today as a means to help you succeed in networking. One great resource is a volunteer network and business career counseling agency that provides on the job training in business networking and career development.

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Have someone back you up everyday during the event to cover for Model Oil unreliable spills, office printing… you come up with other things as long as you have a fast line of support backups.

Be careful of going into a networking meeting with the notion that you are going to look for others to help you grow and expand your business network. You have to get out and do the leg work first also.

The ABH (American Business conducive to Human Growth and Survival) is a voluntary industry body that represents and serves the advancement of social values through philanthropy and business networking. From time to time it has put out information and recommendations via its website. The website also prides itself in providing finesighted shared opportunities for business expansion. Great to work for, However if your networking interests and goals are directed toward the B-I triangle, it spells trouble!

No matter which resource you ultimately choose to do business with, be sure to utilize it and give back to others. Make sure to become a resource in your own life as well.

I cannot stress this enough. Create your own B-I triangle and stick to it. The greater your network of resources from which you can draw, the more connections you make and the more referrals you make to others you meet in person.

Networking for business should not be a numbers game. At the end of the day it is you and the relationships you make that matters. By using B-I to grow your footprint, and becoming recognized as a resource, you will realize a better return on the investment of time and money. Understand the basics of Business Networking, Professional Practice and Business indoor tactic. GO WORK!