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Sometimes they are not given the importance they deserve, but lifeguard professionals are a fundamental figure in any aquatic facility.

For this reason, today we are going to explain the functions of a pool lifeguard, whether from neighborhood communities or public or private organizations. These lifeguards are prepared to act in the case of an accident or emergency that occurs in the water. And it is that a permanent state of calm can become in a few seconds a moment of alertness.

Contrary to what many people think, not everyone can act as a lifeguard. It is necessary to have the qualification of active lifeguard and, until the current regulations change, to be registered in the Registry of Professionals dedicated to Aquatic Lifeguarding of each autonomous community. In the case of having it expired, it would be necessary to take the lifeguard recycling course.

The duties of a pool lifeguard go beyond rescuing bathers from the water. They have to ensure their safety and tranquility. And for this, they need to have a series of attitudes and aptitudes.

What Qualities Should A Lifeguard Have?

Pool lifeguards spend many hours exposed to the heat and sometimes have to make important decisions in a few seconds, so they need to have a series of qualities that must be taken into account and valued in previous interviews.

Most Important Pool Lifeguard Duties

The main objective of a lifeguard is to take care of the safety of users and to anticipate and/or act in emergency situations.

Taking this premise into account, the functions of a pool lifeguard are the following:

Also Read About: What qualifications do I need to be a lifeguard?

Other Tasks Of The Lifeguard In The Community Or In Public Swimming Pools

In addition to these tasks that we have just described, the functions of a pool lifeguard usually include actions related to the maintenance of seasonal pools.

Among them stand out:

At the American Lifeguard Association, we provide lifeguard training with all the necessary knowledge about how to keep maintenance of the swimming pools. We have been dedicated to the maintenance of swimming pools around the world for a long time,

In addition to these maintenance tasks throughout the year, we take care of hiring lifeguards in community pools and private areas. We manage and supervise all your days, shifts and your main tasks.

if you are interested in lifeguard training then visit The American Lifeguard Association website to find lifeguard training near you. there are various courses of this life-saving training ranging from teenagers up to 30 years old people. there are different levels of training, some are shallow water training for people who are not so much strong in swimming but they have to be strong to be able to save people by dragging swimmers out of the water in case of emergency.

Do you want to know more about the functions of a pool lifeguard? visit The American Lifeguard Association website.


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