In terms of overall popularity, soccer currently reigns supreme, and has done so for the last few decades. With an estimated 2 billion soccer fans from across the world, there are no other sports that even come close to the kind of popularity that soccer boasts. On top of that, but soccer is also hosts to the largest sporting events on the calendar, including the FIFA World Cup, which has historically been such an anticipated event that countries have even rebuilt infrastructures to accommodate visitors from overseas.

Soccer is not dissimilar from a lot of other well-known sports, but what makes soccer stand out so much above the rest?

Everyone Can Play

A lot of sports can be fairly expensive to be a part of. Golf, for example, is usually reserved for people that can afford both the course fees as well as the gear required to play. Even games like cricket mean having to invest in pads and bats and helmets just to play.

Soccer is different in that as long as there is a bit of space and a single ball, anyone can play. And if we look back at the history of the game, it’s clear that it has long been popular among the common man, and has been played for countless centuries, despite being banned by kings and governments alike.

The Events Are Amazing

Soccer events, including the FIFA World Cup, are some of the most spectacular around, and people get extremely excited leading up to an event like this. The energy is palpable, and it’s difficult not to feel the exhilaration while at a soccer game in person.

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This energy is quadrupled when one of the teams happens to be playing at home, and everyone in the stands is up on their feet calling for their team to push through and emerge victorious. Soccer culture is appealing in countless ways, and it’s why so many flock to the all the events as they take place throughout the year.

It’s Become A Global Culture

Soccer has evolved to being more than just a sport. It’s now become an important piece of modern culture, and its influence can be felt in just about everything we interact with on a daily basis.

From video games to television to an entire betting industry devoted to soccer, along with soccer-themed slots that you can play using an online casino welcome bonus, it’s almost impossible to not be exposed to soccer in some way living in the 21st century.

That’s made it that much more accessible than ever before, and thanks to the wonders of live streaming, and it’s now possible for a soccer fan to watch their favourite games without ever having to leave the comfort of their own homes. Many believe that we are currently living in the golden age of professional soccer.